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2024 Sponsorship Opportunities      

Emerald                                                                                                                               $2,500

• 16 admissions to the event – 2 tables
• Naming rights to major auction feature (ex: stage, entry, bar or buffet)
• Full Color Ad in auction program
• Recognition on the auction website
• Sponsorship in auction program
• Recognition at the event

Pot o’ Gold                                                                                                                           $1,000

• 8 admissions to the event – 1 table
• Full Color Ad in auction program
• Recognition on the auction website
• Sponsorship in auction program
• Recognition at the event

Leprechaun                                                                                                                             $500

• 2 admissions to the event
• Full Color Ad in auction program
• Recognition on the auction website
• Sponsorship in auction program
• Recognition at the event

Shamrock                                                                                                                               $250

• Full Color Ad in auction program
• Recognition on the auction website
• Sponsorship in auction program
• Recognition at the event

Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Emerald Sponsorship (16 included) $0.00

Pot o' Gold Sponsorship (8 included) $0.00

Leprechaun Sponsorship (2 included) $0.00

Shamrock Sponsorship $0.00

Full-Page Ad $0.00

Half-Page Ad $0.00

Quarter-Page Ad $0.00

Eighth-Page Ad $0.00

I would like to make a donation


Thank you to our sponsors!